Whether you parade for her or against her, I will rain on it.

If you ditch their narrative just to fall for their counter-narrative, you’re not waking up, you’re barely changing bed side.
But it’s time to snooze off now.

This is a little video summary of this report, all the juice is below

‘I believe that the existence of Israel is vital and I will make every effort to invest in greater cooperation between our countries’

Poised to become Italy’s first woman prime minister, Giorgia Meloni speaks with Israel Hayom, saying Putin “crossed a red line” while dismissing the Left’s “ridiculous accusations” of fascism against her.

Published by Israel Hayom on  9-16-2022 13:33

Giorgia Meloni, leader of far-right Fratelli d’Italia party, looks on durin | Photo: Reuters / Yara Nardi

It appears that history is about to be made in Italy: Giorgia Meloni, the 45-year old leader of the national conservative party Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy), has pledged to fight mass immigration and Islamization and has been very critical of the European Union, is poised to be elected as the country’s first woman prime minister in the parliamentary election in late September.

Her main rival, former Prime Minister Enrico Letta, the leader of the Democratic Party (PD), has warned that she is a threat to Italians. Her detractors on the Left accuse her of radicalism and affinity to fascist ideas but Meloni − who is spearheading a coalition of right-wing parties − has dismissed this outright. Speaking with  Israel Hayom Meloni lashes out at those who engage in anti-Israel and antisemitic attacks, which are now a common feature in left-wing circles.

Q: According to the polls, you are about to become the first woman to serve as Italy’s prime minister. Italian society is considered to be very macho. What is your secret?

“Today’s Italy is somewhat different from the macho stereotype that is still sewn onto it. Nonetheless, it is clear that having a female prime minister would mean breaking that “glass ceiling” that does not enable women to emerge both at institutional and professional levels. I have established myself in a male environment, often feeling that I had to work twice as hard to prove that I was half as good as a man, but in the end, I am proud that I grew up in a political family that chose me as a leader by acknowledging my merits and without any man pushing me forward. That is one of the things that shortcircuits the Left, which has always had nothing to offer but proclamations about the role of women in politics. Then I also had the privilege of being able to be a mother without giving up anything. I will fight to offer the same opportunities to all Italian women by strengthening reconciliation measures and family policies.”

Q: Do you think women do politics differently from men?

“Some people claim that I made it because I became as good as a man. I think I made it because I became as good as a woman. And that is exactly what I want to say to women. In the West, we frequently use mandatory quotas as a solution to the problem: on party lists, corporate boards, etc. Rather, I believe that the solution must take into account both merit and opportunity. Opportunity, since a woman should never be forced to choose between her career and her family life in order to demonstrate her worth. Merit, because if the selection is made on merit there are numerous exceptionally good women and there’s no need for quotas.”

Q: Of all the women, which led their nations − Margaret Thatcher, Angela Merkel, Golda Meir, Indira Gandhi, Benazir Bhutto just to name a few − who inspires you the most?

“I would like to think that I can get the best from each of them because I always expect a lot from myself, something that pushes me to study hard and constantly try to improve myself. The extraordinary women you mentioned shaped the history of their nations and of their times. They were known and frequently loved and admired around the globe. Regardless of their political views, they all loved and defended their country. This, to me, is what a good ruler should always do.”

Q: The Italian election is taking place in stormy times: a menacing global economic and social crisis, the war in Ukraine that has no end, tensions between the USA and China over Taiwan, a possible new war in the Middle East around Iran’s nuclear plans. As a future prime minister, what are going to be your priorities?

“First of all, in the midst of such a storm, you must keep the steering wheel on the starboard side, for us it is Italy’s fundamental European and Western positioning. This is not just a statement of principle, but a choice of the field upon which most of our national policy decisions are based. The most pressing of these is undoubtedly to assist businesses and families in dealing with high energy prices because we will face a severe social crisis in the fall and must do everything possible to avoid it. Only after the emergency has settled, we want to cut labor taxes to boost purchasing power, unleash the forces of our economy, reduce bureaucracy to encourage investment, build tangible and intangible infrastructure, and invest in family policies by getting rid of all those pointless bonuses that fuel welfares but don’t advance the country.”

Q: The EU establishment and European press consider you as a threat to the European project. How do you foresee future relations between Italy and the EU?

“In this sense, the Left is putting forward a narrative aimed at doing me a wrong, but it actually paints Italy in a negative light, offering non-existent arguments to those who want to keep Italy on the periphery of the international stage. The truth, of course, is very different. Italy is a great nation that founded the EU, is a net contributor to the EU budget, and has the third largest economy and the second largest manufacturing in Europe. The voice of Italy must count more, and our national interests must be better protected, just as France’s and Germany’s are. Concerning the future of Europe, first the pandemic and now the war demonstrated that the EU was not prepared. For far too long, Brussels has expanded its competencies in several aspects of our daily lives, disregarding the importance of having a common foreign and defense policy, disregarding the importance of ensuring our energy independence, without shortening our value chains, and without bringing strategic productions back home. In this regard, I would like to see a Europe that does fewer things but does them better, with less centralism, less bureaucracy, and more politics. This will be our contribution to the debate about the future of Europe.”

Q: How would you define your party, The Brothers of Italy (Fdl)?

“FdI is the party of the Italian conservatives; we support individual freedom, the centrality of the family, the preservation of the Western, European, and Italian cultural identities, as well as self-reliance and private economic initiative and social cohesion. We are a modern European and Western right-wing government, a pillar of the European Conservatives and Reformists Party of which the prime ministers of Poland and Czech Republic are members and which I have the honor of chairing. We also have strong ties to Likud, the British Tories, and the American Republicans.

Q: Some members of your party come from Benito Mussolini’s family. The party has connections to the National Alliance − which emerged from the Italian Social Movement. What do you say to all those who accuse your party of neo-fascism?

“These are ridiculous accusations, coming from a desperate Left without arguments. But I don’t want to dodge the question, because I know how delicate it can be to your readers. Fratelli d’Italia is part of the evolving path of the Italian democratic right and since its foundation, it has gathered personalities from other center-right parties, from the Catholic and liberal worlds. Those who, like me, pursue that route, have handed fascism over to history for decades now, firmly condemning the loss of democracy, the outrageous anti-Jewish laws, and the tragedy of World War II. Many of us have previously held government roles; I, myself, was the youngest minister in republican history. We have all sworn the constitutional oath. Everyone knows that we have never been a threat to democracy and obviously we do not become one now, though we are certainly “dangerous” for the power system of the Italian Left, which has been in government for years without winning the elections. The difference between us and them is that I don’t spend my days remembering that, just over thirty years ago, many leftists were members of the strongest pro-Soviet party in the West. It is enough for me to list all the damage made by the left-wing governments today, without having to dig into the past.”

Q: Where do you see the ideological differences between your party and right-wing Lega (League) party?

“The League was born as a territorial party that first fought for independence and, in a second phase, greater autonomy for the regions of northern Italy. We come from a national party tradition that pays equal attention to Italy’s north and south. The League temporarily filled the void left by the Right’s decision to merge with former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to establish a unified center-right party, the People of Freedom. We progressively regained the values, and consequently the electorate, of the Italian Right when, at the end of 2012, we left that party to create Fratelli d’Italia. We also made efforts to widen our electoral base. In recent years, the League has consented to form a coalition government with left-wing parties and movements, while for us, being an alternative to the Left has always been a political imperative, out of respect of our voters.”

Q: Have you ever visited Israel? Are you planning to do so soon?

“Yes, certainly. I was on an official visit to Israel when I was serving as minister during the last Berlusconi government. It was a very significant mission, with the moving visit to Yad Vashem: a conscience-shaking experience. I will certainly return to Israel, hopefully soon. It was something I was considering due to my role as president of the European Conservative Party, of which Likud friends are also members. But the war in Ukraine, the political crisis in Israel, and then the early elections in Italy as well have changed the agenda. I hope to return there as soon as possible, this time as head of government, to discuss together with the new Israeli government about joint collaborations and strategies, starting with those for the supply of natural gas through the eastern Mediterranean Sea.”

Q: What is for you the importance of a Jewish state?

“Israel represents the only fully-fledged democracy in the broader Middle East, and we defend without any reservations its right to exist and live in security. I believe that the existence of the State of Israel is vital, and Fratelli d’Italia will make every effort to invest in greater cooperation between our countries. After all, this has been the friendly attitude that the Italian Center-Right has always held towards Israel whenever it has been in government. On the other hand, the Left cannot say the same, not traditionally and neither in this election campaign, which has brought to light repeated incidents of left-wing candidates being caught writing antisemitic-flavored posts on their social media.”

Q: Do you see a connection between those who call to destroy Israel militarily or through boycotts as a continuation of traditional antisemitism?

“Yes, and I also think that one of the most common manifestations of antisemitism today is anti-Israel propaganda, which Jews in Europe are most likely to encounter online. Jews in Europe are also subjected to the threat coming not only from Far-Left and Far-Right factions but especially from radicalized Islamic immigrants who feed on resentment with regards to Israel. I recall the recent death of young Jeremy Cohen, who was trying to flee an antisemitic attack in the suburbs of Paris when he was killed by a tram. Because the tragedy would have drawn attention to the failure of integration policies, few European media outlets chose to report it. Therefore, as European Conservatives and Fratelli d’Italia, we strongly support the new European Union strategy against antisemitism. Israel is and ought to continue to be a crucial ally of the European Union in the endeavor to eradicate this evil worldwide. We support efforts to increase young students’ understanding of Jewish history, religion, and culture. This will support the elimination of societal prejudices and the full acceptance of Jewish customs in Europe.”

Q: Will a government headed by you recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and move the Italian embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem?

“This is a very sensitive issue, on which I think the next Italian government, like all those before it, will have to act in synergy with our partners in the European Union.”

Q: Italy has close economic relations with Iran. How, in your opinion, should the West prevent Iran from becoming a military nuclear power and how can Italy contribute to it?

“Sanctions have had a heavy impact on many Italian companies that had built strong economic ties with Iran, nevertheless it is certainly not time for second thoughts unless certain conditions are met. Indeed, we are extremely concerned about Iran’s role in the region, its ongoing rapprochement with Russia and China, its continued support for Hezbollah, which continues to threaten Israel’s security, as well as the IAEA’s report indicating that there are insufficient effective controls over Iran’s missile development. Without additional assurances for Israel, which is reasonably anxious about the timing of uranium enrichment required to create the atomic weapon, we believe it will be difficult to revive the 2015 deal. We firmly supported the Abraham’s Accords as a means of maintaining regional stability and curbing down Iran’s aggressive foreign policy; therefore we believe they should be further implemented.”

Q: How can one stop the war in Ukraine and do you fear a greater war in Europe?

“The war on Ukraine is not only a blatant violation of international law, an aggression against the territorial integrity of a sovereign nation, and a manifestation of Russian expansionism but an attempt to subvert the current world order to the detriment of the West and for the benefit of communist China. A scenario that Europe must strongly reject. A possible expansion of the war to other Eastern European nations is an eventuality denounced by our Polish friends, which unfortunately we must not underestimate. For this reason, we must not stop supporting Ukraine. Look, I say this firmly but with just as much regret, even knowing the special ties that historically unite Israel and Russia. In 2002, Italy itself hosted a NATO-Russia summit to build an enlarged West and face together the threat brought by Islamic terrorism. Twenty years have passed, that prospect has stalled, and Putin has unfortunately crossed a red line.”

Q: Should the West and the EU increase sanctions on Russia or should they seek to soften the pressure on Moscow in order to advance a diplomatic solution?

“The Ukrainian counteroffensive these days demonstrates that the stranglehold exerted by sanctions and the sending of weapons to Kyiv is beginning to work and I do not think it should be loosened. It does, however, raise an issue of the endurance of Europe and the West vis-à-vis the economic and political cost of the sanctions, which clearly impact differently from nation to nation, with some major Western states even enriching themselves from this situation. That is why we have for some time been strongly calling for the creation of a compensation fund, supplied by the EU and NATO countries (the US first and foremost), to support the most vulnerable nations and to prevent Russian propaganda from making its way to the very many people who will have enormous subsistence problems next fall.”

Q: What is your favorite book? Music? Movies? Food? And do you consider yourself to be religious? 

“My favorite book by far is J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings,” a wonderful tale that is very beneficial for those in politics: It teaches one to put the fate of one’s community ahead of one’s individual destiny, but also not to be charmed by the thirst for power.  As for music, I listen to everything, from rock to classical music. Each chapter of my autobiography is introduced by the quotation of a song: from Ed Sheeran to Adele, passing through two Italian giants such as Battisti and Battiato. My favorite movie is Braveheart, a tale of love and courage that was important for my generation.  I love traditional Italian dishes. Wherever I go I like to eat the local specialty, which is also an important identity factor for each territory.  I am Catholic, I believe in God, and among the Church figures to whom I am most attached is John Paul II.

Just how ‘far-right’ is Italy’s ‘nationalist’ Giorgia Meloni?

Special to WorldTribune, July 19, 2022

Analysis by Joe Schaeffer247 Real News

We don’t pretend to be experts on Italian politics. Nevertheless, the similarities with fake populist Republicans here in America is unmistakable. The warning message: for a deeply unpopular ruling elite, the best way to remain in power at the moment may be to subvert and control the public backlash roiling against it.

It would appear odd on the surface that the ruling establishment’s propaganda units seem to be enjoying the rise of “far-right” Italian politician Giorgia Meloni. As big-box stalwart Politico wrote last month:

Crucial to Meloni’s success is that she represents the traditional nationalist right better than [rival Matteo] Salvini, and that she has remained out of government, said [University of Surrey professor Danielle] Albertazzi. “It doesn’t mean she will be successful three or four years from now,” he added. “But this is her moment.”

Numerous other outlets are echoing that last sentence: Giorgia Meloni’s time has arrived. This alone should be cause for skepticism. And, indeed, a review of Meloni shows as much red flags flying as can be found with a hedge fund multi-millionaire posing as an America First devotee on this side of the Atlantic.

For an alleged “far right” fanatical nationalist who smacks of Mussolinian fascism, Meloni has a highly disturbing habit of speaking the international language of globalism.

Here is how she described her support for the progressive ruling establishment globalist crusade in Ukraine:

“I am backing this because Italy should not abandon its international allies,” she told [UK newspaper] The Times. “I think Italy should show it is a faithful, solid and credible ally, above and beyond the Ukrainian cause, which I support.”

The Italian Post quoted her remarks to Italian television station Sky TG24 on the subject in February. This is indistinguishable from what a member of the Biden administration would say in dropping gobbledygook about preserving the “rules-based international order”:

“I believe that the violation of the territorial integrity of a nation, also European, is unacceptable against which the community must react: this is the position of [her political party] the Brothers of Italy,” said Meloni, referring to what is happening in Ukraine. “Russia is certainly a nation very close to the European dimension on a cultural level, but this does not detract from international law and the fact that Italy, which is part of the Atlantic Alliance, today must firmly, without hesitation, reaffirm that positioning and do everything that can be done to defend international law.”

Antony Blinken or Jake Sullivan couldn’t have said it better:

“We are always for respect for the rules and for loyalty with our international allies who are part of the Atlantic alliance. Indeed, our parliamentarians who spoke today signaled that if Italy wanted to be more central, credible and more considered, perhaps it should respect constraints,” continued the leader of the Brothers of Italy, explaining that Italy should contribute more to defense costs as part of its membership of NATO.

“Far-right nationalists” also are not in the habit of joining internationalist think tanks. Yet Meloni is a member of the notorious Aspen Institute. See picture 3 accompanying this article from The Aspen Institute Italia website.

Just like a plugged-in RINO here at home, Meloni was invited to speak at CPAC. Italian news site Formiche reported in February 2021:

Giorgia Meloni, the leader of the right-wing Brothers of Italy party, is on a star-spangled roll. Rumors obtained by Formiche.net say she might participate, either online or in person, to the next Conservative political Action Conference (CPAC) in Orlando, Florida, although her name isn’t on the guest list yet….

If Ms. Meloni does participate, this latest development is yet another step on the American ladder she has been building for some time. A few weeks ago, she became a member of the Aspen Institute, the powerful and influential American think tank led by the political veteran and academic Giulio Tremonti. The halls of Aspen’s Roman division are crossed by all sorts of heavyweight thinkers and leaders, including [Joe] Biden during his tenure as Barack Obama‘s Vice-President.

Meloni did speak at CPAC this year, where she stressed a generic need to be “conservative,” oppose “cancel culture” and defend Christmas, while again stating her strong support for “the side of international law.” It’s the RINO GOP primary playbook and Meloni was reciting it word for word.

Formiche laid out Meloni’s carefully crafted strategy to cement her status in the European conservative mainstream. The pattern should be familiar to anyone who has observed the careerist American conservative politician in his natural element:

In September 2020, she became chairwoman of the European Conservatives and Reformist party, the 10th biggest European political family. She explained this by distancing herself from her former flat-out Euroscepticism and embracing the idea that she could best defend the Italian’s interests from within the European institutions….

She is walking a fine line between keeping true to her party’s right-wing ideologies and enhancing them with the international alliances and support that are necessary to become a truly palatable (and effective) global leader.

The bigger picture emerging is that of an internationally savvy politician, one who has understood the limits of extreme nationalism and anti-establishment positions and who is weaving a global web of influence.

Ms. Meloni’s strengthening American ties show that she pictures herself as part of the global congress of institutional conservatives, and might also dampen the “anti-institutional” blowback that rejecting the Draghi government might have brought onto her. Her entrance in the Aspen Institute signals that she has dropped the anti-establishment, anti-“powers-that-be” populist rhetoric, and mark her as a trustworthy, well-connected thinking head.

A May Bloomberg article also touched on the curious gymnastics of the woman whose “party sprang from the ashes of fascism,” as the dominant media outlet so luridly put it.

Question: Does the world really need a right-wing Tony Blair?

Meloni is now the only real political star untainted by the machinations of the sistema. She’s learned lessons from the failure of the hardcore euroskepticism of [Marine] Le Pen and Salvini — indeed, she’d distanced herself from Le Pen, well before the French elections. Meloni’s positioned herself as a new type of conservative, calling herself “a right wing” Tony Blair. If that’s confusing, it’s probably intended to be. Many of Meloni’s positions are contradictory. She knows Italy needs European Union funds, hence the softer anti-EU stance. But she remains openly opposed to immigration and against European federalism. An unmarried mother, she presents herself as a defender of Christian, traditional family values.

Meloni is supposedly ardently pro-life yet she is already wobbling on getting rid of Italy’s notorious Act 194, which legalized abortion in the overwhelmingly Catholic country in 1978, in the wake of Roe v. Wade being overturned in the U.S. MercatorNet reports:

Meanwhile the leader of Fratelli d’Italia, a right-wing party is hedging her bets. Giorgia Meloni says that she isn’t working for the abolition of Act 194, but rather wants to see its first part, concerning abortion prevention, honored. She also points out that the American situation was very different from Italy’s, where abortion is allowed by a law voted by the parliament and not by a court ruling.

A stridently anti-right article that appeared in Israel’s Haaretz newspaper in July 2021 convincingly portrays Meloni as a total political opportunist on the gravely important issue of COVID social tyranny:

Earlier this month, Italy introduced a “green pass” for vaccinated people, a requirement for entry into restaurants, bars, museums and other public venues. Meloni panned it as a move that “limits the freedom of citizens, further devastates the economy and de facto introduces a vaccine mandate.”

In various tweets she’s called the decision “dangerous and discriminatory” and described the green pass as an “unconstitutional folly” and “the final step on the road to the creation of an Orwellian society.” For the Brothers of Italy, Meloni declares, individual freedom is “scared and inviolable.”

This is the same politician who, as recently as this March, wrote a panegyric to the green pass idea: “Why doesn’t the EU Commission request an emergency procedure to the EU Parliament to approve the digital green pass? The green pass is the first step to eliminating the obstacles to free movement that have so damaged our economy, especially the tourism sector. It’s a tool that should be implemented as soon as possible.”

Accused of hypocrisy, Meloni grabbed the goalposts and relocated them. She claimed she supported a different green pass – one that allowed international travel – but that she was against, had always been against, would always be against, a green pass that limits access to venues within the country.

On this topic, Meloni once again apes the party line language of the progressive ruling establishment:

In 2018, discussing vaccine mandates, she wrote the following tweet, which has since been deleted, but had been archived by some savvy Italian media observers.

On vaccines we need to have the humility of trusting the scientific community,” Meloni said then. “I think going back would be a mistake. It’s a topic that must not be dealt with on an ideological level: let those who are competent decide which vaccines are necessary and mandatory.”

The progressive ruling establishment crosses all borders. Which is to be expected considering its chief aim is to abolish those boundaries to erect its one-world order. Joe Biden, Pierre Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron are all essentially indistinguishable in this regard. Each is the same flavor of servant on behalf of one grand overarching agenda.

America First advocates therefore should have a keen desire to see populist nationalism thrive in countries around the world. In order to truly oppose that which is being planned, however, authentic representatives of freedom and sovereignty must arise here and abroad.

Unfortunately, the ruling establishment is all too aware of this fact as well. Controlling the reaction against it is and has always been a powerful weapon in the arsenal of tyranny.


“You are the same person who rushed to join the ASPEN INSTITUTE which is the sewer of the worst globalism and the worst speculative international finance. You did not hesitate to assume the presidency of the Conservative Party in the European Parliament.”

Open letter to Giorgia Meloni, by Prof. AUGUSTO SINAGRA, professor of European Community law at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Attorney before the Higher Courts, in ITALY and the European Court of Human Rights, in STRASBOURG.
“The Aspen Institute Kyiv actively participated in the organization of the program for the Ukraine House Davos. During a week Ukraine House Davos organized panel discussions, cultural events and networking sessions for the world’s business elite. The conversation focused on panelists’ experience related to leadership roles they play in organizations that are aimed at positive social changes. Ukraine House Davos is powered by co-organizers Ukrainian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (UVCA), Western NIS Enterprise Fund (WNISEF), Victor Pinchuk Foundation and Horizon Capital.” – The Aspen Institute

You can’t be free until you freed your mind from the statist religion and break ALL the illusory political chains.

 A modern country is just a slave barrack designed and built by masons for Jewish use.
Of course you will experience some bonds, quarrels and common history in a slave barrack.
That doesn’t make it holy.
Only your best friends, most peaceful people and wisest elders there are worth of praise, not the shack, not the management, not the herd symbols they burn in your mind.

To be continued?
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