Meet Aleksandra Rockefeller, the Russian-Jewish Templar from CIA and NSA

Aleksandr Cassandra Rockefeller, or simply Aleksandra Rockefeller has been for a long time a kind of myth to me and many underground truthers that went far enough down the rabbit hole. On Internet, she is usually portrayed like a dark shadowy female villain in a 007 movie, too spectacular to be true, I naively thought. Because one of her first names sounds masculine to Westerners (common in Russia), many have doubts she’s even a woman, some assume it’s a couple acting under one alias or something of that sort. Not my kind of mystery, to be hones, so I’ve never looked into it.
Until recently, when I was investigating her clan, one link led to another and I managed to trace her and , bwoyyy!, her Facebook profile.
What I found is spectacular beyond her fame!

Born: Netherlands
Birth date: Unknown
Official birth name: Schuman (only one source, needs more)
Political affiliations: former Clinton fanatic, currently wishing all the best to Trump (see slideshow below)

Here she is sending best wishes to some poor bastard stalking her on Facebook

So the character is otherwise quite hard to detect on internet, but she’s verified and legit. I won’t link directly to her Facebook for protection reasons, and I can’t recommend any action besides seeing what’s public there, for own education. Below there are some fine digs and I’ll have some more exclusive info soon, working to get solid background for it.
Our fate depends, now more than ever, on understanding the webs of deep state, which is trans-national, its patrons don’t have just a country, but dozens. Their “patriae” (home-country) is ideological and often genetic.

My greatest curiosity about her is how she finds balance between her love for Hillary, her duties for the US government and her duties for the Knights Templar, whose new master officially endorses Trump.

To be continued?
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! Articles can always be subject of later editing as a way of perfecting them