Bunked: Karl Marx and the Rothschilds DO have close family ties

Not everything is a theory or a matter of opinion.
You don’t have to trust us or historians, you can verify it yourself, I’m just showing you some shortcuts.

We’ll use Geni.com

The connection is not apparent because it’s made through another family, the Cohens from The Netherlands.


One of Shlomo’s grand-daughters married in the Marx family, becoming Karl’s mother, while one niece married into the Rothschild family and became the wife of Nathan Mayer Rothschild. Basically, the Marx and the Rothschilds became cousin families

I hope this little demonstration helps ending the claims that these historical facts actually belong in the realm of theory, of any sort.

Schwab loves Lenin. Lenin loves Marx. Marx is a Rothschild. Rothschilds love Schwab

To be continued?
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! Articles can always be subject of later editing as a way of perfecting them


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