It’s published on their site though…


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Our work and existence, as media and people, is funded solely by our most generous supporters. But we’re not really covering our costs so far, and we’re in dire needs to upgrade our equipment, especially for video production.
Help survive and grow, please donate here, anything helps. Thank you!

! Articles can always be subject of later editing as a way of perfecting them

The testimonies may be only implicit, but they can’t be any more solid and legit.

Let’s play in a paradigm where we and YTFT (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter) recognize same figures as authoritative.

What would happen if I made a video claiming no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus, like this Twit above, which is still live on many platforms?
What if I’d be just genuinely naive (like they assume we all are) and I’d bump into this Twit without following up for updates and retractions? And then I’d spread that claim around?
I’d go straight to internet jail, maybe even offline jail. Unlike other people.

Don’t trust us, verify and consider the following facts:

  1. Each and every medical organization on the planet has retracted or adjusted medical information, since 2020 more than ever. Thus, they admitted the initial publications were actually wrong aka “misinformation”. It’s part and parcel of sciencing and that’s not the issue here, that’s the point: errors are scientist’s best teachers.
  2. YTFT has actively promoted this admitted misinformation, its terms and policies did nothing to stop it, proving they can’t arbiter jack shit.
  3. This misinformation has not been retracted from YouTube, persists there to this day. In fact, most of the science believed to be true today has been retracted
  4. Users who argued this misinformation have been deplatformed and their content has been erased, while the misinformation persists on all platforms.
  5. YTFT are not independent from, but massive investors in medical business.
  6. Appeal to authority is a logical fallacy that has been abhorred by most science icons ever and only denotes scientific illiteracy.

Therefore, YTFT’s claim that they are in position to arbiter what is medical information is not only a blatant con job and misinformation, as proven by everything they do, it’s utterly insane. Anyone supporting it is accomplice in all their crimes. They can’t do better than the authorities they subject to, which have admitted to failure.
Which makes YTFT a huge threat to the global public health and security, given their immense global reach.

What happened to HCQ supporters on YTFT?

Bonus: Where is risk, there has to be freedom of choice, where is risky speech there has to be freedom of choice for speech (free speech, in short).

And if you needed me to explain such super-basic logic, you’re not intellectually equipped for survival and most likely you don’t have anymore time to catch up because the mental lazies stole the horizon from everyone. You are the virus, in fact. We’re better off if you go get a vaccine!
If you did figure this out by yourself, in your own terms, we need you to put some daily effort into spreading the truth and making our objection more powerful, it’s the only antidote to lies. You know what you have to do, thank you!
Ah, and also this:

To be continued?
Our work and existence, as media and people, is funded solely by our most generous supporters. But we’re not really covering our costs so far, and we’re in dire needs to upgrade our equipment, especially for video production.
Help survive and grow, please donate here, anything helps. Thank you!

! Articles can always be subject of later editing as a way of perfecting them

Can’t wait for to label this video below as “Censored by Youtube” and cash in on the Streissand effect, which has already given massive headaches to the Silicon Sillies, and they still haven’t learned. But that’s besides the main point below.


  1. Censorship is a primitive moronic concept which you can’t materialize against 7+ billion people with man-power alone, you need artificial help, like AI’s
  2. Most BigTech dipshits have inherited their fortunes and merits, and are too stupid to understand AI’s aren’t really intelligent, it’s still just extreme computational power, a deep-fake of intelligence. Which is still stupid AF, despite some advantages, it’s Absent Intelligence. And the few who understand this also sell AI’s to morons like Klaus Schwab, to play their delusional megalomaniac real life Worlds of Warcraft on them. They’ve been duped same way they dupe others. Yeah, they’re great for stealing data and making models, but all AIs can be cancelled by a second of inspiration or brilliance from one living intelligence (this excludes those drones with bones that pass as people today, true).
  3. Censorship is a form of lying through forced omission. Lies are like cancer: they either devour the host and get fucked with it, or they get eliminated. So the cancer approach is primitive and dumb too. The catch is that technology actually makes it harder to hide or enforce a lie, despite the elite’s beliefs. Maintaining a technological advance can’t compensate because that illicit advance also depends on maintaining some lies, not the other way around.
    Whichever way you may look at it, censorship is self-cannibalistic and the age of censorship is not starting, it’s behind, only RTRD DPSHTS like Klaus and Biden are still clinging on it.
When I was on the fence, censorship persuaded me that 9/11 was a hoax

quick DEMONSTRATION that still works
(longer, better version soon, stay tuned)

Between Silview and Susan, she will regret her acts of censorship more, that’s already arranged

Some argue the soundtrack is the best part of this video, I say the info is even better if you pay real attention. Either way, word is out, please help the experiment by sharing this article or the video, thanks!


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Our work and existence, as media and people, is funded solely by our most generous supporters. But we’re not really covering our costs so far, and we’re in dire needs to upgrade our equipment, especially for video production.
Help survive and grow, please donate here, anything helps. Thank you!

! Articles can always be subject of later editing as a way of perfecting them

At Davos 2021, the amount of inane drivel and gaslighting in technocratic language is as insane as the participants. No one should be forced to go through all that utter garbage, so I didn’t force myself too much. This is a collection of brief notes and take outs from Digital Davos 2021, that I made for myself and I’m sharing with anyone who cares.

Davos 2021 is a fraud like everything they stand for:

Day 1
After deleting almost all opposition and Joe Biden’s dislikes, now Youtube deletes comments and dislikes on the WEF Channel.
They’re getting destroyed anyway, so they are starting to close the comments. They can’t keep up with the dislikes though.

Most crap is pre-recorded, not live.

The Great Reset as a brand is dead, they admit it in the new presentation video. You’re welcome.
The video is opened by the World Bank president, by the way.
The brand is dead, but the agenda lives on, with a few adjustments.

Just look at these fucking clowns becoming cartoons because they only sell to retards!

Their top priority seems to be taking over cryptocurrencies now, so they’ll get that done soon. The only reliable useful information that came out from this meeting so far.

Day 2
ReGreta is back with the Climate-19 expertise, as Climate is their other top priority market for this year. 30 seconds into her speech and my stomach wanted out.

Challenge! πŸ₯‹ Find positive comments on ReGreta Dumborg’s video for #Davos2021! We scrolled up to 800

Also this horror:

I haven’t seen them yet, but since the organization also includes Bill Gates and Bono, is safe to say this is the Coalition of the Most Hated.
So no wonder what happened next:

Day 3
Today I went through the comments on Greta’s Youtube video for Davos 2021, because someone told me they gave up on moderation and there’s no positive feedback at all. False! There still are recent complains of censorship and I found 11 positive comments. Out of 770. I recorded them all on video, soon to be released. Until then…

The stock market chaos is us too. The Twitter stock crash and this popular market insurrection changed the world forever, this is just the spark.

Aaaand here he is, and this is what Climate-19 is all about:

Interestingly, the only one who came out even is Putin. Even as his negative/positive comments ratio, whereas everyone else has a 7-12 negative comments for each positive ones.

Final conclusions:

  1. Davos 2021 is an absolute disaster in terms of public image for WEF. The people have spoken unanimously, The Great Reset has been met with a Greater Reject, it has no chance to come to fruition, and the elites are literally too stupid to pull out timely. This spells total disaster for everyone, all because this bunch of psycho-dumbasses got their hands on too much power and money
  2. The elites are completely disconnected from the realities of human race, intellectually and emotionally, everything they say sounds as dictated by an artificial intelligence that has known us only from tv
  3. I tried hard to watch most of their videos so you don’t have to. I failed, it’s just utter garbage and fear porn, the few clues they give you about the future are not worth the time. They have NOTHING to offer to make their scam attractive.
  4. Watch out for their coming assault on cryptos

I will continue to add significant information here if any, but this is the end of this story.
Told them before they even started:

To be continued?
Our work and existence, as media and people, is funded solely by our most generous supporters. But we’re not really covering our costs so far, and we’re in dire needs to upgrade our equipment, especially for video production.
Help survive and grow, please donate here, anything helps. Thank you!

! Articles can always be subject of later editing as a way of perfecting them

How do I know the public discourse on Covid-19 is fully controlled and dishonest?
Because no one important is discussing the most crucial question.

If we’re talking a “novel virus”, which is the first logical question to ask for a microbiology ignorant like pretty much all politicians, presstitutes and big-techoles? As much as for anyone who “cares”?

And here’s the answer for the f-ing lazy cnts

A more extensive video with more evidence finally available HERE
Soon on more free speech platforms. Unfortunately, we can only embed Youtube videos here.

To be continued?
Our work and existence, as media and people, is funded solely by our most generous supporters. But we’re not really covering our costs so far, and we’re in dire needs to upgrade our equipment, especially for video production.
Help survive and grow, please donate here, anything helps. Thank you!

! Articles can always be subject of later editing as a way of perfecting them

Digital Davos 2021, the World Economic Forum annual reunion is about to start in a few hours. Online, because they don’t have the guts to gather in person after they’ve just crashed the world on our backs.

If you get what I did here, please spread it, maybe it reaches some oligarchs and helps them feel something. Words are an approximate quote from some WEF auxiliary personnel, forgot her name.
#GreaterReset #RejectTheReset #TheGreatAwakening

PS: You can’t trust the judgement on anyone who dresses like this for an official event.


I went through the comments on Greta’s Youtube video for Davos 2021, because someone told me there’s no positive feedback at all. I found 11 positive comments. Out of 770.
The stock market chaos is us too.
This is just the spark.
How many timed did I tell you…?

To be continued?
Our work and existence, as media and people, is funded solely by our most generous supporters. But we’re not really covering our costs so far, and we’re in dire needs to upgrade our equipment, especially for video production.
Help survive and grow, please donate here, anything helps. Thank you!

! Articles can always be subject of later editing as a way of perfecting them

Seriously now, what did I just see?!?!

The video below, recorded in September 2020, has been published as a Ted Talk for South-East Asia, on 12th of January 2021. It features a prominent annex of the World Bank / IMF, another soulless muppet named Michael O’Sullivan, economist and “land thematic leader” at World Bank’s Gender Innovation Lab. This came only two weeks ahead of of the Digital Davos meeting of the World Economic Forum, where the official launch of The Great Reset is planned.

I got a few main takes:
* European Union is on its deathbed, at least in this shape and form. Looks like the West wants to close its borders, had enough multiculturalism.
* China, China, China! And some other people.
* Orange Man Bad
* No mention of The Great Reset.
* Heard “New World Order” about six times, I will really count
* End of globalization, but Papa Schwab has already taught us that about two years ago.
* They’re totally improvising and they’re as confused as we are, just as I predicted. These psychos are disconnected from humanity, emotionally underdeveloped, intellectually dense but primitive.
But there’s more to it, ambiguity included, listen carefully because this dude is dropping some serious inside intel, unlike more famous alphabet soups. He does it on command, of course, but he gives us priceless clues nevertheless! You have to understand he’s a sock puppet and the Rothschilds need the peasants to hear this. What actual facts triggered this reaction from the overlords? This is the first question you need to ask yourself when you watch official communications from your masters.
My best hunch is that they got tired of Europe, too many problems per square foot, so EU is on its own while they go in a honeymoon with China, as their other puppet parties in the White house now. But I don’t know that, as of now, just rings most plausible, given all I know so far.

UPDATE: Our analysis was correct


Flashback resources:


“European Union leaders raised the possibility of making Bulgaria’s Kristalina Georgieva, the chief executive officer of the World Bank, the next president of the EU Commission, two people familiar with the discussions said.

The position is one of three top roles up for grabs in the coming months, alongside the presidencies of the European Central Bank and the European Council. With governments engaged in intense horsetrading to fill the positions, leaders discussed potential names at a summit in Sibiu, Romania last week, with Georgieva emerging as a strong contender for the commission role, the people said.” – Bloomberg, March 2019

November 2020

Running Order

Introduction and opening remarks
Gallina A. Vincelette, Director for EU Countries, World Bank

Europe 4.0 Presentation
Mary Hallward-Driemeier, Senior Economic Adviser, World Bank

Panel session:

  • Andreas Tegge, Head of Global Government Relations, SAP
  • Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl, Director General, DIGITALEUROPE
  • Elisabeth Gruber, Director for the Department of International Institutions at the Austrian Ministry of Finance
  • Peteris Zilgalvis, Head of Unit for Digital Innovation and Blockchain, DG CNECT, European Commission
  • Vassil Terziev, Managing Partner at Eleven Ventures and Co-Founder of Telerik

Panel Moderator:
Mary Hallward-Driemeier, Senior Economic Adviser, World Bank

Closing remarks:
Gallina A. Vincelette, Director for EU Countries, World Bank

The World Bank offers its clients
in the EU two core productsβ€”
finance and knowledge.
Four countries currently benefit from our full
portfolio of instruments, including lending
and guarantees: Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland
and Romania. Projects for each country are
guided by a full strategy document called
a Country Partnership Framework. Work
with other EU Member States is primarily
realized through advisory services, such as
economic analysis or technical assistance,
financed by clients themselves (known as
Reimbursable Advisory Services, RAS) or
through trust funds (TFs) set up by the
European Commission.
Lending commitments in the
EU totaled more than US$10
billion since 2012. Over the same
period, RAS and TF activities in
the EU totaled well over US$100

World Bank – Source (PDF)

I very rarely make guesses and speculations, but as a Romania-born, in the former communist block, with years of journalistic experience there, I see this most probable scenario: WB won’t abandon its strings on EU, but will shift focus and resources to Asia, Africa or Argentina. As it drifts away, WB will take with it the countries mentioned above and try form a separate conclave and social experimentation ground. But I can’t put too much money on it, we’re in a vortex of forces and possibilities that can shift either way any minute.

As I find out more, I’ll add it here soon.
To properly put this in context, please read at least these two reports we did last year:



To be continued?
Our work and existence, as media and people, is funded solely by our most generous supporters. But we’re not really covering our costs so far, and we’re in dire needs to upgrade our equipment, especially for video production.
Help survive and grow, please donate here, anything helps. Thank you!

! Articles can always be subject of later editing as a way of perfecting them

Imagine sheep can be used to store information or mine Bitcoin. That technology exists. So then imagine what sheeple can do for their farmer.
From a human farmer perspective, most people are worth less than the data they generate.

When Klaus Schwab cries about Dark Winters and cyber attacks, that’s the bait and biohacking is the switch.
Most essential and chilling documentary to enter the Great Reset era.

UPDATE: Whoa boy! CBS’ 60 minutes confirms the rule: is a glimpse in the future and a peak in the past, and mainstream media will run shabby versions of our headlines a few weeks or months after we got over them. Consider this an addendum to our work:

US intelligence officials say Chinese government is collecting Americans DNA via Covid tests – CBS

Related and recommended:




You Should Be Worried About Your DNA Privacy

Spy Agencies Using DNA for Storage, Your Body Could Hold all Data Ever Created

Microsoft and University of Washington DNA Storage Research Project – Extended

China Wants Your DNA

The Spy in Your Phone

More links, resources and comments to be added here soon, right now I’m exhausted, but anxious to get this in front of you, I invested myself quite a lot in it, enjoy!

“People Are Hackable Animals” – Yuval Harari @ Davos 2020 – full presentation

To be continued?
Our work and existence, as media and people, is funded solely by our most generous supporters. But we’re not really covering our costs so far, and we’re in dire needs to upgrade our equipment, especially for video production.
Help survive and grow, please donate here, anything helps. Thank you!

! Articles can always be subject of later editing as a way of perfecting them

It’s as simple as 1,2,3,4: You make them audit each other.

Do something like we did:

  1. Create an UNLISTED video on YouTube. Don’t share the link to anyone.
  2. Make a PRIVATE blog post with the video (and not much else to attract people) on another platform, one with detailed and credible traffic reports like WordPress preferably live traffic reports similar to YouTube’s. Set it private so that no one can find the link unless you give it to them. And DON’T share the link with anyone, except… see below
  3. Make a PUBLIC Facebook post with the PRIVATE blog link. Now the only access gate to the blog post and the video is Facebook. Boost the post immediately, even if only for 5-10 bucks, it’s enough to generate good comprehensive statistics from Facebook. Make sure there’s no other links or distractions included so the audience can’t go anywhere else or come from anyone else, that compromises the experiment
  4. Compare the Facebook reports with the ones from the blogging platform and the one from Youtube.
    If they are honest, the numbers vary only about 5-10%.
    If you have my luck, Facebook reports 2-300% more than the blog, while YouTube has capped your numbers and deletes views same way Dominion deleted Trump votes, so it has no relation whatsoever with the other two.
    That’s the case for the Fauci Fashion song below, which has not been allowed to cross 9k for over half a year, despite some intense promo efforts.
Click here to join THE PEOPLE FOR FAUCI FASHION now!

5. (Optional): Feel free to add more elements to the scheme, the only rule is to be able to accurately monitor the traffic, numbers as well and sources, destinations, gates etc. This model is in 3D, but any number can go if you extrapolate the method intelligently.

Bad idea again, Susie

IMPORTANT: As time passes, if people start sharing the links organically, they can create distortions and interferences in your controlled audience funnel, first 2-3 days are the most accurate, from there things can go either way. Nevertheless, that can’t explain my numbers either, but can explain smaller deviations from the general rule.

If you think a whole industry went away with Cambridge Analytica, I lol

This post is an upgrade of an earlier post focused on Facebook only. I promised I will do my best to come up with something similar for YoutTube, came up with something even better: This one is like an integrated 3D version of that experiment, and can be expanded, no theoretical limits to it.
But on the original post you can read more details evidence on the day-to-day Facebook ripoff and gaslighting of its audience, CLICK HERE TO READ.

Later update:
Funniest thing: people figuring out I’m right not from monitoring their own numbers, as I advised, but from watching Biden’s. Ok, whatever you can…

This is AFTER they “Dominioned” the numbers. Unlisted link

Later-er update: They started to cover their tracks and burn more evidence, but too late, The Gateway Pundit got on the case too :))

This one looks exactly like my screenshots for my Fauci Fashion video above, but in reverse, I’ve watched my views counter going backwards. And I wasn’t alone. Click here to read

Latest edit: I had to

State of the Union 2021. Source

Biden’s message is clear: “Learn more if you want to open. Comments closed”.
So I had to do this. Launching the #FuckYoutube hashtag. On Youtube, see the description of the video below. On Youtube.

Btw, same goes for Facebook. I can’t research Twitter now, but if I am to bet I don’t hesitate

The President of the US of A, Big Joe-Un, and his Big Tech lemmings, are a buncha retarded pathetic thieves and nothing can stop the awareness, especially not imbeciles like themselves
Read more, it’s juicy!

Get involved, share this as wide as you can, make and share your own experiments, let’s crash this monster and its stock market value by outing its schemes!

Imagine getting 115k likes and no heart πŸ˜€ What numbers do you see? Check it here

To be continued?
Our work and existence, as media and people, is funded solely by our most generous supporters. But we’re not really covering our costs so far, and we’re in dire needs to upgrade our equipment, especially for video production.
Help survive and grow, please donate here, anything helps. Thank you!

! Articles can always be subject of later editing as a way of perfecting them